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Are you sure you want to delete this record?

Once deleted, this record will be completely removed from the system and unretrievable without a full data reload.

Are you sure you want to mark this record as unused?

Only the record you've selected will be marked as unused, the record itself will not be deleted and you can mark it as used at any time.

Are you sure you want to mark this record as used?

Only the record you've selected will be marked as used, doing this will mean this record isn't included anymore in the Unused Booking reports.

Welcome to

OK, if you're going to use the functionality you'll want to add a report to get value from this.

Let's get things started, click on the 'Create Your First Report' button below.

Create A Report

Reports are a fundamental part of the system, they're what all your data was made for. Without reports certain parts of Analytix, like Data Publisher are unavailable so lets get you on your way to creating your first report.

Don't forget when creating your reports to organise them using the folder functionality, it's much easier to keep track of them that way.

Create Your First Report
Choose from the available fields you'd like to add as a column to the report drilldown

You can select any of the fields below to add as a column to the report drilldown. Default fields are displayed but are not able to be removed.

Back To Drilldown
Choose what you would like to filter by typing in the field below


Choose the columns you'd like to filter

You can select any of the below fields to set your filter criteria


Choose the column you'd like to analyse

You can select one of the below fields to set your filter criteria

Back To Drilldown
Choose a display option for your analysis

You can select one of the available output options for your analysis criteria

Back To Choose Column

Please rotate your device to landscape to view the report

Active Filters
Analysis Breakdown
This is the data breakdown used in the chart above
Back To Original Drilldown
Analyse Drilldown
Choose a report name and description

Include Exchanged Tickets

Include Uninvoiced Cars

Include Uninvoiced Hotels

Include Airline Tax

Include Sales Tax

Include Grouping

Include Fees In Transaction Count

Choose your